Annoying Shows that Became Personal Classics

There are shows that you watch and instantly know it’s a hit, there are others that just deserve to be lost in time, then there are those that absolutely flopped on release but became cult classics.

Over the years I’ve had a couple personal bombs turned classics, my most recent experience based on a very popular sci fi novel considered Game of Thrones in space Continue Reading →

Game of Thrones Season 8 Predictions – Kill Edition

HBO’s Game of Thrones

Just think, in one week’s time, the last season of HBO’s biggest series inspired by George R. R. Martin’s epic fantasy, Game of Thrones will finally be here.

We’ve waited two years for this moment, so let’s heighten the anticipation with some predictions.

And as it’s Game of Thrones, let’s focus on the character deaths. Make no mistake, this season is all about who lives and who dies.

The Hound kills the Mountain

Game of Thrones: the Hound

The Hound versus the Mountain! Or as fans have labelled it, “the Cleganebowl.”

This fight has been teased ever since season 1 when they both clashed swords during a jousting tournament mishap. Later it was revealed that the Mountain was responsible for the Hound’s scarred forehead, having held the brother’s face painfully close to a fire.

It’s obvious, they absolutely hate each […]

Game of Thrones Season 7 Predictions

HBO’s Game of Thrones

It took two months longer than average – and to a Game of Thrones fan that’s feels like the same length of time the Targaryens ruled Westeros – but it’s finally here.

Game of Thrones season 7 premiers this month, and the whole world is excited.

And seeing that the series has moved beyond the novels, the story can swing in any directions. We know from experience how easy that happens – favoured characters die all the time, the story jumping from zero to 60 in a heartbeat.

Any predictions?

Well, I’ve got some. Here’s what I think is going to happen in Game of Thrones Season 7.

Battle of Kings Landing

Game of Thrones: Battle of Kings Landing

The Lanisters, rulers of Kings Landing, have built up a long list on enemies: House Dayne of Dorne, House Tyrell of […]

Vikings Season 4 part 2 Prep – Part 1 Character Recap

History Channel’s Vikings

Vikings has returned with season 4 part 2 this week, and I’m excited.

I’m not sure why History Channel split the season in 2 parts like that, but I’m not judging.

I’m just glad to get back into some European-raiding action. Nothing gets the testosterone flowing like awesome-bearded savages hacking away at each other (on tv, of course).

Not sure what all this excitement is about? Check out my post over at SFSignal explaining 5 reasons why you should be watching this series.

If you’re already a fan, then let’s prepare ourselves for Vikings season 4 part 2 by doing a recap of where these violent characters left off in part 1.

Rollo – the Saviour of Paris

Vikings: Rollo saves Paris

“Oh Rollo, if you truly knew what the gods had in store for you, you would go […]

Game of Thrones Season 6 Prep: Top 5 Moments of Season 5

HBO’s Game of Thrones

It’s April, and you know what that means?

Winter is coming.

No, I’m not talking about the weather. I’m talking about Game of Thrones… Yess!

Season 6 is due to start this month, and fans like me have already watched the trailer, analysed it, and watched it again. I still can’t get the phrase “I choose violence” out of my mind.

So are you ready for some great sword slashing, dragon flying, Jon Snow dying action?

I know I am.

As we anticipate April 24th, let’s take a look back and recap the top 5 moments of Game of Thrones Season 5.

Warning: This article is full with spoilers so read on only if you’ve watched all five seasons.

Cersei Confesses Her Sins

Game of Thrones: Cersei confesses her sins

As the bitter, jealous, wicked witch of King’s Landing, Queen […]

6 Reasons Why Star Wars the Force Awakens is just like Star Wars A New Hope

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Today’s article is a guest post by my brother Vonrick. He’s a big Star Wars fan (as are we all) and wanted to voice his concerns about the new movie The Force Awakens. Here’s what he has to say:

The Force is with us again, and that means we get to revel in more lightsaber swinging, laser blasting, Millennium Falcon flying action.

But for those of us who grew up in the 80’s, all this recent activity looks kind of familiar. The new Star Wars movie echoes a lot of events from the original released way back in 1977.

Now it’s good to learn from past success and give the audience more of what they want, but that’s no reason to dust off the carbonite copy and use it as a template. Even Han Solo could tell you that carbonite isn’t that […]

5 Reasons Why Fantasy Readers Should Watch History Channel’s VIKINGS

History Channel’s Vikings

Do you watch History Channel’s Vikings series?

Well every time I tell a friend about it, I get the same negative response.

Why? Because they make documentaries, not great series like Game of Thrones.

If you believe that, then check out my guest post over at SF Signal: 5 Reasons Why Fantasy Readers Should Watch History Channel’s VIKINGS

So what do you think of it now?

Let me know in the comments.

Top 5 Dialogue from HBO’s Game of Thrones Season 4

HBO’s Game of Thrones

I’ve got a real love hate relationship for Game of Thrones.

I hate the vast amounts of politics, the incest, the deaths of so many characters. But ultimately my love for sword fights and castles and mystical creatures keeps me coming back for more.

There’s another element of Game of Thrones that keeps me hooked. Great dialogue.

And now that season 5 has officially started, I thought I’d take a stroll through season 4 and pick out the best ones.

Here’s the top 5 dialogue from HBO’s Game of Thrones Season 4.

I should warn you, the following could get a bit dark, and explicit. But if you’re a fan then you already know that. We are talking about Game of Thrones, after all.

The Hound talks to Polliver: Episode 1


Arya and the Hound reluctantly enter a tavern that’s […]