The First Law Triology by Joe Abercrombie
You can tell by my reviews of Joe Abercrumbie’s the First Law Trilogy over at My Books Escape that I’m a big fan of these books.
The story is gripping, the characters are memorable, and the writing is a joy to read.
One of the things that I consider great about this trilogy is the dialogue.
Throughout the story, the characters say things that either makes you think or keep you on the edge of your seat.
So what are the greatest words said?
Here’s my top five dialogue from the First Law Trilogy.
Logen talks to Quai
Logen is relaxing on a balcony in Bayaz’ Library. Quai comes over to say thanks for not leaving him to die by the lake.
When Quai asks if Logen has seen a lot of death, here’s the response:
Logen: “I’ve fought in three campaigns, in […]